Robert Rosenblum’s singular and often controversial views on modern art are informed by his prodigious knowledge of European and American painting, from Ingres to Warhol and beyond. Recently honored by the International Association of Art Critics for his lifetime achievements as an art historian, author and critic, he is a professor at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts and a curator of 20th century art at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. The most recent of his many books are monographs on the painter John Currin and the performance artists Gilbert and George. Each year the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center and Guild Hall co-sponsor a distinguished speaker who addresses an issue in contemporary culture. Past speakers include playwright Edward Albee, New York Times art editor Michael Kimmelman, critic and author Robert Hughes, art historian Linda Nochlin, photographer and film maker Hans Namuth, Museum of Modern Art curator Kirk Varnedoe, painters Helen Frankenthaler and Francoise Gilot, and Milton Esterow, editor and publisher of ARTnews magazine.
Appropriate For Ages: 14 and up