Answering the requests of enthusiastic audience members who experienced Farewell to the Tooth Fairy and wanted more stories from Lynn Ruth Miller’s unusual life, The Other Side of the Mirror adds new stories and repeats old favorites from Miller’s acclaimed collection of columns. The stories were selected from Thoughts While Walking the Dog and More Thoughts While Walking the Dog, both of which originally appeared in The Pacifica Tribune. They include such favorites as “The Melting Pot,” a description of the challenges of bridging two cultures at the turn of the century and “Saving the Downtrodden,” a picture of the unexpected results of idolizing Eleanor Roosevelt. Other selections include “The Policeman Is My Friend” and “Rain,” an essay about bearing up under California’s weather. “Everyone will appreciate the play’s universality,” says Bay Times. “Ripe with wit and wisdom, Miller performs with the warm sincerity of a savvy lady who has learned many of life’s valuable lessons.” The mix of stories is good for family audiences of all ages. Each week features a different mix of stories followed by a different guest performance.
Lynn Ruth Miller has been published in various fields for forty years. Her writing often deals with feminist issues and appeals to readers who enjoy Laurie Colwin for her ethnic flavor and commentary on the idiosyncrasies of modern life, and Anne Tyler for her slightly out of sync frame of reference.