About This Show

The year Mark Kenward opened his yoga studio, the San Francisco Chronicle published a report that the fastest growing sector of new businesses in the Bay Area was yoga studios. Not Starbucks, not taquerias, not mini-marts. Yoga studios.

Is Mark Kenward betraying his working class roots when he unknowingly stumbles upon a fortune? This question haunts him into pursuing a most unusual spiritual path in The Dharma of Dollars. A path which leads him down into the underbelly of the Oakland Hills and the cutthroat world of yoga studio management — populated by a sexy linoleum heiress, a loving but stubborn working-class dad, an imperious 90-year-old real estate shark, a boozy-eyed contractor with a sketchy prison background, a ruthless competitor willing to do anything to stop Mark’s efforts, and a vibrating business partner who has already failed at three other ventures. These 100% true-life characters tangle in a hilarious clash of values. It’s a provocative look at America’s obsession with easy enlightenment and the almighty dollar.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: September 23, 2004 Final Performance: October 16, 2004
Location: The Marsh, California

1062 Valencia St,

San Francisco,


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