Marsh Youth Theater presents "1968"

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$12.00 Gen Adm; $6.00 Student Rate

About This Show

Three Performances only! A musical celebration of Berkeley High School in the late 1960’s– a time of social upheaval, new visions and patchouli. Join 40 youth in MYT’s MainStage Summer Ensemble performing songs and dances from the exuberant and turbulent 1960’s. Come hear the music and dance that reflect the political, cultural and changing views of the hippie generation. 1968 is a seminal year where visions changed and social movements began.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 0min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: August 16, 2008 Final Performance: August 17, 2008
Location: The Marsh, California

1062 Valencia St,

San Francisco,


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