New York City
Wilde Irish Productions presents Endgame by Samuel Beckett, a poetic exploration of the nature of the human condition. The characters co-exist in a world suffused with sadness but interspersed with moments of levity and humor. Nell, confined to a trash can in her old age exclaims, “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.” In this rarified universe the four remaining players mark time and try to delay the inevitable. “It’s time it ended and yet I hesitate – to end.” The light is dying, seeds no longer sprout, and they are terrified that humanity might reconstitute itself. In this bleak Beckettian universe, all is distilled down to the barest of essentials; the meaning conveyed in shimmering silences, the musicality of the speech and in the answering echoes of heartbreak and longing and loss. Directed by Gemma Whelan.