Baum for Peace

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$15.00 - $22.00, sliding scale

About This Show

The Marsh presents slightly world-renowned lesbian playwright Terry Baum in Baum For Peace or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Democracy. This new comedy describes Baum’s adventures as the Green candidate for U.S. Congress in San Francisco in 2004 during which she received the highest percentage of the vote of any small-party write-in candidate for Congress in history — 2.9%! Inspired to run because she believed that San Franciscans deserved a peace candidate, Baum faced impossible odds, beginning with a fight to get her name on the ballot. Accompanied by Scrumbly Koldewyn on the piano, she uses farce, song and self-mockery to take the audience on a wild journey through electoral politics that is up-close and personal, hilarious, infuriating and always surprising. Baum For Peace is directed by Bobbi Ausubel, with songs by David Hyman and Scrumbly Koldewyn.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: June 29, 2006 Final Performance: July 22, 2006
Location: The Marsh, California

1062 Valencia St,

San Francisco,


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