Harlequino: On to Freedom

About This Show

Written and directed by Tim Robbins, Harlequino: On to Freedom combines commedia dell’arte, Shakespearean tragedy, live music, and sophisticated comedy to produce a dialectic on the meaning of freedom.

This new musical celebrates a particular kind of theater created by the Italians 500 years ago: the commedia dell’arte. It explores 16th-century actors’ limits of free expression in the authoritarian environment they lived in. As the story evolves, a conflict between a group of rogue actors and a commedia dell’arte expert becomes a battle for the soul of the commedia, questioning the purpose of art, what is funny, and who writes history. Ultimately the musical asks this question: What must the artist risk to live freely in today’s world?

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 10min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: March 16, 2017 Final Performance: May 6, 2017
Location: The Actors' Gang Theater, California

9070 Venice Blvd,

Culver City,


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