Elephant Stageworks/Theatre Company presents the world premiere of
Jonathan Caren’s award winning play Fish Out of Water in Shark City. The play is a response to Nancy Jo-Sales Vanity Fair critique on Los Angeles youth. Lindsay Allbaugh directs.
In 2001, mercenary Vanity Fair columnist Nancy-Jo Sales flew into Los Angeles with an expense card and an assignment: penetrate this netherworld of teenagers snorting cocaine out of $100 bills and expose their hollow and over-privileged lives. What she discovered was Jordan Limpsky, the proverbial awkward interloper, seemingly destined to stare at the party-goers from outside the window. Clearly not what she was looking for.
Four years later, emerging national playwright Jonathan Caren examines the tawdry and cheap, money obsessed nature of America’s youth, providing a first-hand look at the seamy underbelly of what capitalism has wrought. Like Kenneth Lonnergan’s This is Our Youth, Jonathan Caren’s Fish out of Water in Shark City is a caustic but sincere exploration of the human condition that will change the way you look at the wealthy swine that are ingrained in the popular myth of Los Angeles.