Accidental Death of an Anarchist

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$18.00 Online; $24.00 Walkup and by phone

About This Show

It’s just before Christmas in 1969, and several bombings in Milan and Rome kill 17 civilians. Fingers point, and the non-violent anarchists become fascist scapegoats. A few days later at midnight, after an interrogation, there’s a dead anarchist splattered all over the sidewalk outside the police headquarters. Did he jump? Was he pushed? Police claim suicide; official inquiry claims accident. Bit ambiguous, you see. Cover-ups, threats and secrets become a virus as the public buzzes with panic, confusion and suspicion.

Based on the true story of one political party’s attempt to hijack the Italian government, which triggered 10 years of viral fear and violence, Accidental Death of an Anarchist re-opens this famous controversial inquiry with plenty of knee-slapping comedy and haunting relevance.

In a modern day democracy, do the citizens still control their government? Or, is it sometimes the other way around?

Amid police corruption, media manipulation, and political shenanigans, Dario Fo managed to find inspiration and an opportunity to respond to outrage with hilarious comedy–a powerful weapon against those who would threaten our liberties, corrupt our journalists, and bend the truth to control us all with fear.

Come watch as a maniac infiltrates the system, catches the cops with their pants down, and unearths the many levels of lies and deception. Side-splitting farce meets political debate. Accidental Death of an Anarchist was and is an opportunity to assemble and laugh out-loud about all of our fears and frustrations with our government and its pitfalls.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: February 8, 2008 Final Performance: March 29, 2008
Location: Unknown Theater, California

1110 Seward St,

Los Angeles,


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