About This Show

A mild-mannered housewife becomes an instant celebrity when her unruly pantaloons accidentally fall down as she watches a parade. Her new-found fame scandalizes her proper and priggish husband, thrills her upstairs neighbor, and brings out a string of odd suitors hoping to rent a room in their apartment. Comic mastermind Steve Martin’s sidesplitting adaptation of this classic 1910 German farce by Carl Sternheim about a wardrobe malfunction is a hilarious look at the chaos and commotion caused by a flash of a lady’s undergarments and the vagaries of fleeting fame. Daniel Gidron directs.

Group Sales Number (10+): 617-350-6000

Appropriate For Ages: middle school +

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: January 6, 2006 Final Performance: February 4, 2006