About This Show

The Boston Conservatory Theater Division presents The Beckett Bash, 17 actors in five short plays by Samuel Beckett, in honor of the playwright’s 100th birthday. Plays on the program include Play, Come and Go, Catastrophe, Footfalls and What Where.

The Boston Conservatory trains exceptional young performing artists for careers that enrich and transform the human experience. Known for its intimate and supportive multi-disciplinary environment, the Conservatory offers fully accredited graduate and undergraduate programs in Music, Dance, Theater, and Music Education, and presents over 200 performances each year by students, faculty, and guest artists. Since its founding in 1867, The Boston Conservatory has shared its talent and creativity with the city of Boston, the region, and the nation, and continues to grow today as a vibrant community of artists and educators.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: September 28, 2006 Final Performance: October 1, 2006
Location: Boston Conservatory Theater, Massachusetts

31 Hemenway St,



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