About This Show

11:11 Theatre Company presents the world-premiere production of Set in Sand, a powerful, timely, unflinching examination of our urban public school system. Based on a real incident, the play opens with a savage attack on a student for what appears to be little more than personal possessions. Over the next 24 hours, this incident is woven into the backdrop of just another hectic day at the fictional Milken Middle School in Boston. It’s a place with 8 principals in as many years, where funding is scarce, where academic achievement is a savior and a means of attracting unwanted attention; it’s a place where following the letter of the law isn’t necessarily the right thing to do. Throw into the mix a Dean of Discipline drowning under a dearth of paperwork, the latest struggling principal, a grandstanding senator with a bigger mouth than results, jaded teachers, an idealistic after-school worker, and the students themselves and you have an environment where hope struggles to stay afloat in chaos. Written and directed by Brian Tuttle.

Appropriate For Ages: 12 and up

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 55min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: February 17, 2006 Final Performance: February 25, 2006