Fully Committed

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$25.00 - $35.00; $15.00 Previews

About This Show

This hilarious one-man comedy presents a single day in the life of Sam Peliczowski, an out-of-work actor who mans the red-hot reservation line at Manhattan’s hippest restaurant. With the phones ringing off the hook, Sam juggles a range of eccentrics–from scheming socialites and name-dropping wannabes to fickle celebrities and egomaniacal bosses. The question of the hour, though, is whether in the midst of all this culinary-inspired chaos, he can also manage to look out for himself. A wonderful acting challenge, Fully Committed has more than 40 wildly diverse characters played by one extremely versatile performer.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: February 9, 2007 Final Performance: February 18, 2007
Location: Berkshire Museum, Berkshires

39 South Street (Route 7),



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