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$16.00 - $61.00

About This Show

In Paris, 1941, the German occupation has
established a paranoid culture at its most oppressive. Pablo Picasso has been brought to a storage vault to authenticate three paintings that have recently been "acquired" by the Germans.

The beautiful, mysterious, and art obsessed Miss Fischer, an adjunct to the Ministry of Culture in Berlin, has the arduous and compelling task of interrogating the man who painted Guernica. When the true purpose of Miss Fischer’s mission is revealed, an intense and passionate game of cat-and-mouse ensues. This provocative and witty play, by one of America’s most widely produced playwrights, sizzles under the scrutiny of art, politics, sex and censorship, as the artistic genius is forced to justify his creativity.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: January 30, 2009 Final Performance: February 22, 2009
Location: San Jose Repertory Theatre, California

101 Paseo De San Antonio Walk,

San Jose,


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