About This Show

Kevin Draine is The Bitter Poet and is quirky, prone to scream, rip off his shirt and dance like a poster boy for Saint Vitus’ dance. He reads his collection of unpublished works for you that will make you laugh, ponder and rock out while he is backed up by the kick-ass band, The Sound of Angst. Throw in a guest appearances from your favorite lovely ladies of burlesque and sideshows, including a hula hooping stripper, a Rubenesque opera diva, a blonde bombshell belly dancer or an erotic contortionist. They won’t give him a second look, but you’ll get a combination of sexy energy and dark humor that makes this show unforgettable!

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: October 4, 2003
Location: Arlene's Grocery, New York City

95 Stanton St,

New York,


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