About This Show

manhattantheatresource presents Woyzeck, by George Buchner , from a new translation adapted and directed by Andrew Frank.

Woyzeck tells the story of a soldier who descends into chaos and confusion, killing his wife and then himself. Considered the “first modern play”, Woyzeck was written in 1834 by a 24 year old George Buchner. Working on the fourth draft of the play when he died, many scholars are divided over which scenes Buchner meant to stay in the script and what the order should be. In this new adaptation by Andrew Frank, from a translation by Laura Schlactmeyer, special attention is paid to the role of the church in Buchner’s world in addition to the military. Then, as it is now, the church sets the ground work for what morality is and how to be virtuous. Woyzeck is a simple man that gets lost among the rhetoric.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 10min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: January 6, 2005 Final Performance: January 29, 2005
Location: Manhattan TheatreSource, New York City

177 MacDougal St,

New York,


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