New York City
The eponymous hero of The Adventures of Nervous Boy, by James Comtois, is a horrifically alienated New Yorker who’s slowly and steadily losing his mind. In the new black-as-death comedy-horror play from Nosedive Productions, the cruelly-named Nervous Boy wanders around a grotesque nightmare version of the city and comes across New Yorkers of every kind, from rude cell phone users, belligerent alcoholics, pretentious academics, screaming couples, demons from the underworld and brain-dead zombies as he tries to burn a recently earned paycheck in order to maintain his sanity. This features graphic violence and strong sexual situations and is recommended for adults only.
“…the real achievement of The Adventures of Nervous-Boy — which in addition to being beautifully written is one of the best directed and best produced indie theatre shows I’ve seen this year — is the way Comtois has his finger so precisely on the pulse of a disaffected generation.” — Martin Denton,
Added dates: June 29-July 1, July 6-8 (Thursday through Saturday)
Box Office Hours: 1 hour before showtimes (7 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
Appropriate For Ages: 18 and up