About This Show

Brief Acts Company presents six one-act plays as part of its program Spring 2006 Evening A:

Tremulous by Le Wilhelm: Two young women must decide whether their lives are worth living.

Bitter, Bitter, Burnt (adapted from David Sedaris): David sits alone in his apartment after having been left by his long time boyfriend.

Gangster Love by Steve Monroe

Rehearsal Night by Peggy Garrison

The Pretty Party by Linda Ramzell

The (Irish) Wake: Act Two by Liz Dembrowsky: After Katherine Miller unexpectedly dies in a car crash, her best friend, boyfriend, and sister are left to give their views on who Katherine was and why she has died.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: April 7, 2006 Final Performance: April 9, 2006