New York City
Noo Yawk Tawk, the acclaimed Comedy Improv troupe that
performed at the 250 seat VILLAGE GATE every Friday and Saturday night for three years, is replete with a New York mixture of comedians– young, old, beautiful, odd, of various colors sizes and shapes, all brilliant, all funny, and most of them are recorded singers.
The shows are entirely improvised on situations set up by the audience, and the show ends with the creation of a new song, sung in any two styles the audience wants.
Directed by Richmond Shepard, the cast includes Ken Dashow, Cecily Kate, Lisa Margolin, Rachel Plotkin, Rachael Roberts, Michael Sanders, Miguel Sierra, Michael Silver, Marjorie Suvalle and Richmond. Musical accompaniment is by Doug Katsaros (or Raphael D’Lugoff)- keyboard, Eddie Holt- clarinet, and Susan Mitchell- violin.