Each person’s own doppelgänger or double being, lives directly behind or within him or her. Some say it can?t be seen; some say it shows itself, causing mischief. Still others fear the sight of one?s own doppelgänger signals impending doom. Doppelgäng Productions enters its 2nd Season with the Namesake Festival, an exciting collection of 13 original short plays, each exploring on some level the theme of this mysterious creature from German mythology.
7pm on October 15th, 17th, 23th, 25th and 26th; 4 pm on Saturday, October 19th
Doppelgangers, a Poem
By Dori Appel
Directed by Ian Marshall
With Sage Logan
By Malachy Walsh
Directed by Jaclyn Loewenstein
With Nikki Alikakos and Carrie Ellman
What I Knew Then
By Christopher DePaola
Co-Directed by Christopher DePaola and Rebecca Lupardo
With Frank Perozo and Michael Tomlinson*
Hermes’ Mother: A Masque
By Philip Cuomo*
Directed by Susan Estes
With Philip Cuomo* and Maureen Porter*
By Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Jeremy Slaugenwhite, Assistant Directed by Jason Eiland
With Richard Brundage, David L. Carson* and Jef Cozza
Talk To Me
By Judy Klass
Directed by Jeffrey Sanzel
With Varick Boyd and Stephane Penn
By Clay McLeod Chapman
Directed by Ian Marshall
With Yvonne Roen
By Dori Appel
Directed by Cris Buchner
With Lee Eypper, Diane Michele Gonzales, Gerard Nazarian* and Troy Rohne
7pm on October 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd and 24th; 4 pm on Saturday October 26th
Doppelgangers, a Poem
By Dori Appel
Directed by Ian Marshall
With Sage Logan
By Simon Heath
Directed by Natalia de Campos
With Amy Ellenberger, Culley Johnson, Coco Medvitz*, Eddy Nelson Rivera and Seth Wachtell
Spoilt Milk
By Judeth Oden
Directed by John Hurley
With Heather Grayson*, Jayson Spence, and Joe Whelski
The Homunculus
By Stacie Dugan Vourakis
Directed by George Bennett
With Janaki* and Mary Workman*
A Man with a Limp
By Victoria Libertore
Directed by Clarinda Mac Low
With Jason Eiland and Rebecca Lupardo
Not I
By Ted LoRusso
Directed by C’Dub
With Wade Bowen and Richard Ezra Zekaria
Have You Met My Brother
By Christopher Buckley
Directed by Emmanuel “Manny” Boccieri
With DeBanne Browne, Tom Knutson, Keri Meoni, Matt Steinberg and Gabriel Vaughan
*Indicates Member Actor?s Equity.