About This Show

Since 2001, Karen Sorensen has conducted candid interviews with over 100 New Yorkers who stopped to answer five questions about love in exchange for a flower. She sets up her mobile “love” station in NYC parks and waits for passersby to approach. Then she invites them to be interviewed onto digital audio tape. Now in her second annual Love Research presentation, Love Research – Phase II, Sorensen is conducting live onstage Love Research interviews with audience volunteers. In this intimate encounter, Sorensen provides the questions, while you can watch audience members reveal their thoughts and feelings on love, or bravely choose to become part of the experiment yourself.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: November 4, 2003 Final Performance: November 18, 2003
Location: Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural Center, New York City

107 Suffolk St,

New York,


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