New York City
The Grand Street Follies 2009, inspired by the follies of the 20’s, is an “old school” vaudeville show featuring live acts: comedy, intriguing skits, unusual musical numbers, spectacle extravaganzas and more than a few surprises.
All Proceeds go to benefit God’s Love We Deliver and Tweed Theaterworks.
Artists scheduled include:
Rufus Wainwright, Jackie Hoffman, Lypsinka, Julie Halston, Richard Move as Martha Graham, Kristine Zbornik, Flotilla DeBarge, Brenda Bergman & The Bodacious TaTas, Sweetie, David Ilku, The Duelling Bankheads, Jodi Lennon, Carol Lipnik, Todd Almond, The Flute Friends, Wallie Wolfgruber Dance, Joseph Keckler, Ken Bullock as Ragu Mountain Woman, Hooba Havem, Stine Coen, The Butoh Rockettes, with Tony Conniff & The Grand St Follies Band.