New York City
Small Professional Ensemble Performing Twelve Centuries of New Music, Amelia LeClair, Director, presents delightful madrigals by sixteen-year old Vittoria Aleotti of Ferrara, Italy, a young woman of such clear talent that her influential father sought out poetry for her to set to music. The madrigals are settings by the renowned poet Guarini; Vittoria set them shortly before she entered the convent of San Vito, to which she was recommended by the composer Pasquini because of its musical training, and singing nuns; They round out the program with other light-hearted works by both nuns and aristocrats of the renaissance and early baroque, and finally, because they champion women’s works from all the ages, they end with some excellent pieces by the excellent contemporary composer Hilary Tann.
“Breathtaking. The clarity mixed with passion is so beautiful, and unique.” -Patricia Van Ness, Composer.