In White White Black Stork, 16-year old Muslim boy Makhzym wiles away the hours writing poems amongst the nesting white storks at a glade. Feeling that his son is drifting through life, Makhzym’s father sends him to the Madrassa to study and pray in the hope of making a man of him. Whislt there, Makhzym experiences the first flush of love towards a fellow student. On discovering his errant ways, his family forces him into an arranged marriage with a young girl he doesn t know who is in love with someone else.
The play — a poignant social tragedy about the clash of personal destiny with tradition and the conflicts between society, family, and self — is inspired by the work of the famous Uzbek writer Abdulla Kadyri and is set in the city of Tashkent at the turn of the 19th century. Mark Weil directs.