This smash-hit British comedy by Ray Cooney takes place in the unlikely setting of a hospital Emergency Room. As the Staff cheerfully decorates the Emergency Room for the upcoming Christmas holidays, a successful London surgeon named Dr. Mortimore is in the midst of preparing a career-making speech. He has been given the honor of delivering the hospital’s prestigious Ponsonby Lecture. Suddenly a former nurse presents him with a unexpected holiday gift: a 17 year old son he never knew he had. Within two hours. Dr. Mortimore must rehearse his lecture while dealing with his newly-discovered fatherhood, fending off a possible paternity suite, and mollifying an over-zealous Security Guard whose “perimeter” Dr. Mortimore’s newly-discovered son has inadvertently “breeched.” And he must accomplish all of these things covertly without alerting either the hospital’s Chief Administrator or his holiday-minded staff! Will Dr. Mortimore ever get to deliver the annual Ponsonby Lecture? You won’t give him odds as this “epidemic of unbridled lunacy” becomes more and more “achingly funny!”