Lily Tomlin, one of American’s foremost comedic entertainers, continues to add to her impressive body of work. She has enjoyed an extraordinary career spanning all facets of the entertainment industry including feature films (Nashville, 9 to 5, Shadows and Fog), television (Laugh-In, Murphy Brown, West Wing) and theatre (Appearing Nitely, The Search For Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe).
IAn Evening of Classic Lily Tomlin is a nostalgic and warm presentation of Lily’s “greatest hits” with more than a dozen of her famous characters – including the precocious 6-year-old Edith Ann (“And that’s the truth!”), the irascible telephone operator Ernestine (“One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingies”), the aging beauty adviser Madame Lupe, Lucille the rubber addict, prim Judith Beasley from Calumet City, Indiana and Lily’s most profound character, Trudy, the schizophrenic street lady who starred in The Search for Sings of Intelligent Life in the Universe.