Matthew Martin: All Singing, All Dancing, All Dead! with The Tom Shaw Trio

About This Show

Pantheon Of Pride: Matthew Martin returns to The RRazz Room with his show featuring the Patron Saints of Pride, celebrating Pride Week in San Francisco. Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Peggy Lee, Katharine Hepburn and other Hollywood Royalty will be conjured in tribute to their careers and the gay audiences that have kept their memories alive and well. Stars never die, and these legendary ladies are the landmark of gay culture. Fasten your seat belts, San Francisco, it’s going to be a bumpy night!

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: June 20, 2011
Location: Rrazz Room -- Hotel Nikko, California

222 Mason St,

San Francisco,


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