New York City
Beginnings, a series of shorts, written and directed by various acclaimed playwrights and directors include:
“The Disconnect,” by Meredith Simonds: A recently-widowed woman tries to rewrite the history of her 35-year marriage through the social media-saturated love lives of her three grown daughters. Directed by Lisa Pelikan, starring Ann Bronston as Pam, and Heather Long, Jennifer Riley, and Joy Darashas her daughters.
“Baby Toes,” by June Carryl: Emmy is turning 40. Her ex just got married and they have unfinished business. Baby Toes is about growing up and moving on. Directed by Chris Raymond, starringYasmina Sommers as Emmy and Matt Crabtree as Fred.
“Land of the Blacks,” by Michael Shaw Fisher: When a New Yorker gets lost in the park, she meets a strange man from another time. What follows might be bizarre, magical, and frightening but it is always The Land of the Blacks. Directed by Jennifer Chambers, starring Rickie Peete and Yale Berkovich.
“Summer House,” by Katie Letien: The truth will set us free or send us running. After learning about her husband’s affair, Jewels leaves him only to find herself in another place of familiar pain. Directed by Katie Letien, starring Tracey Silver, Suzan Mikiel, Alicia Lara, and Tanya Fairfoot.
“Bolshoi Bullshit,” by Robert Gardner: A famous Ballet Master’s return from the hospital causes a crisis in his family and his Ballet company. Directed by Harold Apter, starring Tom Badal, Mike Fallon, Alma Devani, Michelle Castillo, and Evan Silverman. Choreographed by Minerva Vier.