The new show American Dreams: An In-Yer-Face Musical (not to be confused with the TV series of similar title) takes a darkly comic satiric look at American lives in the new century. The action takes place outside the grocery of one Mr. Ree, a naturalized Korean who, true to his immigrant roots, works really long hours in pursuit of the success and security available to those with sufficient initiative and drive who don’t fear hard work.
Injecting turmoil into the situation is the arrival of an Islamic terrorist threatening to detonate a nuclear device. Actually, it’s not an Arab at all, but really a disguised Texas oil man in decline. Other visitors to the premises of Mr. Ree’s grocery include: a young woman with an eating disorder; a young African-American with militant goals; a representative of the gun owners’ lobby; a national newscaster who smells impending disaster and makes a beeline for Mr. Ree’s place; and the newscast’s camera crew. All the characters have one thing in common: They’ve got agendas towards which they’re working to achieve. The insertion of a deranged post-9/11 bomber scrambles their careful calculations.
Featuring book and lyrics by William Whitehurst, with music by Robert Gross. Directed by Fuz, with musical director Robert Gross. Produced for The Eclectic Company Theatre by Aaron Belliston and William Whitehurst.