Evan Cabnet, director of the 2003 production of Ubu the King returns with Haroun and the Sea of Stories, a play that has influences of Alice in Wonderland, Arabian Nights and The Wizard of Oz. Haroun is the skeptical son of Rashid, a storyteller known as the Shah of Blah. Tired of Rashid’s constant yarn-spinning, Haroun complains, “What’s the use of stories if they aren’t even true?” But when Rashid mysteriously loses his ability to tell tall tales, Haroun sets sail on the magical Sea of Stories to get his father’s powers back. Joined by an Iff` (actually a Genie) and a Butt (actually a mechanical bird), Haroun travels to the far away land of Kahani, only to learn that his father’s tales are not only true but also alive. Staged in a bucolic setting, the Free Theatre is WTF’s perennial family favorite. Bring a picnic.