Honeymoon in Vegas follows Jack Singer (McClure), a 30-something New Yorker who decides to propose to his girlfriend, Betsy (O’Malley), despite his promise to his dying mother (Nancy Opel) that he would never wed. On a trip to Las Vegas, the proposal is complicated by the arrival of gambler Tommy Korman (Danza), who sees Betsy and notices her resemblance to his late wife. Determined to meet Betsy, Tommy rigs a poker game during which Jack loses a large sum of money. The debt can be completely forgiven — if Tommy can spend a weekend with Betsy.
The principal company also includes Matthew Saldivar as Johnny Sandwich, David Josefsberg as Tony Rocky/Roy Bacon, and Catherine Ricafort as Mahi. The cast also includes Matt Allen, Stanley Bahorek, Tracee Beazer, Grady McLeod Bowman, Barry Busby, Daniel J. Edwards, Paige Faure, Leslie Donna Flesner, Gaelen Gilliland, Sarah Marie Jenkins, Max Kumangai, Raymond Lee, George Merrick, Mara Newbery, and Katie Webber.
Check out these behind-the-scenes shots, and book your tickets by clicking here.
(© David Gordon)
(© David Gordon)
(© David Gordon)
(© David Gordon)
(© David Gordon)
(© David Gordon)
To view photos from the cast’s first day of rehearsal in August, click here.