The show, which comprises five one-act plays by Anton Chekhov performed together for the first time, will live stream October 27-29.
Alley Theatre’s production of the world premiere of Anton Chekhov’s Little Comedies will be live streamed for four performances October 27-29. For the first time, Chekhov’s one-act comedies Swan Song, The Bear, The Proposal, The Wedding, and On the Harmfulness of Tobacco are performed together as a full evening of theater.
Russian literature translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky collaborated with playwright and director Richard Nelson to create this new English translation. Nelson also directs the production, performed by the Alley’s Resident Acting Company, with his signature intimate style.
In partnership with League of Live Stream Theater, the closing weekend of Little Comedies will be streamed live from the Neuhaus Theatre in Houston. Tickets for the live stream are $49 and are available at