Theater News

Jim Brochu, Charles Kimbrough, Andrea Marcovicci, Kristine Nielsen, et al. Set for York Musicals in Mufti Concerts

| New York City |

August 11, 2010

Andrea Marcovicci
(© Heather Sullivan)
Andrea Marcovicci
(© Heather Sullivan)

Preliminary casting has been announced for two of the York Theatre Company’s Fall 2010 Musicals in Mufti concerts.

Andrea Marcovicci will play fashion designer Coco Chanel in Coco (September 10-12), joined by Jessica Grové as Noelle, Charles Kimbrough as Louis Greif, and Kristine Nielsen as Pignol. Mark Kaufmann will direct, with music direction by Michael Horsley.

Jim Brochu, Quentin Earl Darrington, and Josh Grisetti will play the roles of Sir, The Negro and Cocky, respectively, in The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd (October 1-3). Marcia Milgrom Dodge will direct with Ethyl Will as music director.

The Mufti season will also include I Remember Mama (October 8-10), directed by Michael Montel with Mark Hartman as music director, and I Love My Wife (October 22-24), directed by Carl Andress with music direction by Matt Castle.

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