Trumbull High School sets a date for the groundbreaking musical.
After a drawn-out saga surrounding the Trumbull High School production of Rent: The School Edition, Principal Marc Guarino has agreed to go forward with mounting the musical March 27-30, 2014. According to The New York Times, Guarino and the student Thespian Society have reached an understanding that quells his former reservations about putting on the production that addresses the controversial issues of gay relationships, HIV/AIDS, and drug use.
“We’ve worked diligently to get this all worked out, and the students have been awesome, with a lot of great ideas about ways to have a wider conversation about the issues raised in the show,” Mr. Guarino told The New York Times.
Auditions will proceed in early January 2014.
To read TheaterMania’s ongoing coverage of the story, click the following links:
Connecticut High School Cancels Spring Production of Musical Rent
No Rent Required: Goodspeed Offers Trumbull High School a Slot for Their Canceled Spring Musical