In The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, the title character is a fictitious Japanese emperor who delights in devising punishments to fit the crime, including decapitation for the “crime” of flirting. Set in a pseudo Japanese locale known as Titipu, the town tries to insulate itself from the consequences of this law by appointing its biggest flirt, Ko-Ko, to the position of Lord High Executioner. Ko-Ko has a long list of potential victims, none real prospects, but the arrival of the “wand’ring minstrel” Nanki-Poo, in search of his beloved Yum-Yum – one of “3 little maids from school,” all Ko-Ko’s wards – provides a different opportunity. Ko-Ko, now threatened with death himself for non-performance of duty, gets Nanki-Poo to agree to his own execution in return for being allowed one month of married happiness with Yum-Yum.
Presented by New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, America’s Foremost Gilbert & Sullivan Repertory Ensemble.