New York City
In her sixth one-woman comedic show, Santa Macha, the hyperactive, bilingual Elizabeth “Macha” Marrero reaches into the heights of heaven and the pits of hell to add new characters to her already extensive repertoire, while skewering religion and rotating it on a slow roast. One Marrero’s favorite recurring characters, Petronelia, the quintessential, Latina, ghetto matriarch, finds herself donning a habit to see life from the other side.
Other characters include Wakateema, an outspoken Blatina schoolgirl doing her communion in order to wear The Dress; Gabriel St. Diva, the lead bouncer with the VIP list at Club Heaven; Father Nigel Time who attempts to give a dissertation on the Ten Commandments; DJ Willy Güiso Jugo, a foul-mouthed wanna be thug, who was killed in the Iraq war and tries to shed his angel’s wings because he can’t have sex, rap or smoke weed in heaven; and the exuberant drag king Macha, headlining at the Pearly Gates Arena. In addition, the show cleverly uses video showing Santa Macha on a missionary tour through the South Bronx, bringing music to the locals and sharing her good will.