In The Mikado, or The Town of Titipu, the location is a fictitious Japanese town full of colorful characters — 3 little maids from school, a wandering minstrel, a hilariously corrupt public official, and a Lord High Executioner who may have a list of potential victims but is too tenderhearted to actually perform his duties. Beautiful school girl Yum-Yum loves the romantic minstrel Nanki-Poo but is engaged to Ko-Ko the executioner. This romantic triangle takes the usual course of thwarted romance, until the arrival first of the fearsome Katisha, claiming Nanki-Poo as her “perjured lover,” and later of the emperor, or Mikado, himself — with his own list of punishments to fit the crime. In order to resolve the ensuing complications, Ko-Ko must use his wits to convince the most unattractive Katisha to marry him — in record time. That done, all other potentially dangerous circumstances are settled by the Mikado’s all encompassing pronouncement “nothing could possibly be more satisfactory.”
Friday, January 5 , at 8:00 pm
Saturday, January 6 , at 2:00 pm
Saturday, January 6 , at 8:00 pm
Sunday, January 7 , at 3:00 pm
Tuesday, January 9 , at 7:00 pm
Thursday, January 11 , at 8:00 pm
Friday, January 12 , at 8:00 pm
Saturday, January 13 , at 2:00 pm
Saturday, January 13 , at 8:00 pm
Sunday, January 14 , at 3:00 pm