Mike Super, winner of NBC’s hit 2007 show "Phenomenon," comes to The Center on Super Bowl weekend to perform >Magic and Illusion" in an exclusive Chicago-area engagement. In this affordable family-friendly production, Super will dazzle with his mystifying talents, even attempting to "steal" a car from a local dealership and make it appear on the stage with a snap of his fingers.
If Super is able to accomplish this impossible feat, everyone in The Center’s audience will have a chance to win the car courtesy of Planet Honda/Planet Toyota in Matteson, Ill. (conditions and restrictions apply). Among the additional phenomenal acts in the show, Super will make an audience member levitate four and a half feet off the ground with no connections of any kind, and also physically fold a spectator into a size so small that they fit in a Japanese show box.
Super’s highly interactive show also features digital music, side-splitting comedy, amazing lighting, and more unbelievable magic and illusion.