About the Show

Set in New York City during the Depression in December of 1933, Annie is the ultimate Cinderella story. It recounts the adventures of a little girl searching for her lost parents. The musical begins as eleven year old Annie attempts an escape from the municipal orphanage and the alcoholic clutches of the hilariously mean and scheming Miss Hannigan. During her many exploits, Annie befriends a stray dog named Sandy, and crosses the path of some very interesting characters, including billionaire Daddy Warbucks. Ever optimistic, Annie wins the help and hearts of nearly everyone she meets.

At the helm as both director and choreographer is Norb Joerder. Annie boasts one of Broadway’s most memorable scores by Charles Strouse with lyrics by Martin Charnin. Songs include "It’s the Hard-Knock Life," "Easy Street," "You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile," "N.Y.C." and the buoyant signature song, "Tomorrow."

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