About the Show
Brilliant performances! Tolucan Times. Brilliant portrayals! broadwayworld.com. Follow the life of the beloved Yiddish story-teller as he spins tales of his loves and losses, his fame and failures, and the tremendous optimism that kept him going against all odds. Based on his letters and tales, the controversy surrounding his writings, and his passionate quest to honor the universality of the human spirit and celebrate our common humanity, this joyous and poignant musical is written by internationally acclaimed Chris DeCarlo and Evelyn Rudie, with lilting songs by Emery Bernauer, E. Rudie and Sholom Aleichem himself. The musical stars veteran performers Chris DeCarlo (“Chris DeCarlo has become the reincarnation of Sholom Aleichem” LASplash) and Evelyn Rudie (“Evelyn Rudie is an all-around theatrical wizard!” Casting Call). ‘Sholom Aleichem’ means ‘Hello, peace be with you.’ For Santa Monica Playhouse it means ‘richness in Jewish theatre for the community to enjoy.’ The Messenger