Chao’s comedy centers on a lonely man, who, after finally consummating his first and only relationship, still feels unfulfilled. The production will feature the playwright, along with Charlotte Pines, and Amy Virginia Buchanan. The production will also feature special video appearances by Richard Harrington, Margaret Laney, Mike Urdaneta, and Ian W. Hill.
Katzberg will star in her play, a solo show that satirizes one-woman productions where female performers re-objectify themselves while looking for sympathy.
Both productions will have scenic and lighting design by Josh Iacovelli. In addition, Maia Cruz Palileo will provide original animation and sculpture for Penetrating the Space are by Maia Cruz.
Harlacher directorial credits include Nightmare: Ghost Stores, Chao’s Cats Can See the Devil, as well as the feature film Urchin.
For more information and tickets, click here.