Theater News

Lava, Universes, et al. to Perform at Irondale Center Open House October 11

Universes in performance
(© Tristan Fuge)
Universes in performance
(© Tristan Fuge)

The Irondale Center for Theater, Education and Outreach will open its doors October 11, with an Open House from 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

This Off-Broadway theater, located at the historic Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, 85 South Oxford Street in Brooklyn, underwent a $2.5 million renovation beginning in February. Architect Leonard Colchamiro’s design includes a flexible, 168-seat performance space (that can be expanded to 199 seats) and offices for Irondale. In addition to rentals both theatrical and otherwise, the Center will allow the resident company, Irondale Ensemble Project, to expand their programming, workshops, outreach, as well as arts and education.

The Open House event will include guided tours of the new theater, games workshops, a sneak preview of its upcoming production of Peter Pan (which will begin October 22), a drum circle, a potluck dinner provided by neighborhood restaurants and merchants, and free entertainment by artists including Bluemouth, Inc., Lava, Strike Anywhere, and Universes.

For more information and a full schedule, call 718-488-9233 or visit