Theater News

Jennifer Holliday to Star in Atlanta Production of Dreamgirls

Jennifer Holliday
Jennifer Holliday

Jennifer Holliday will once again play Effie White, the role that won her the Tony Award, in Atlanta’s Theater of the Stars’ production of the Henry Krieger-Tom Eyen musical Dreamgirls, July 19-29 at the Fox Theatre.

The theater’s 2007 season will also feature Scott Schwartz’s new production of the musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (June 26-July 1), The Wizard of Oz (August 4-11), West Side Story (August 21-26), Stomp (September 18-23), White Christmas (November 6-11).

Since starring in the original Broadway production of Dreamgirls, Holliday has concentrated on her recording and concert career. Her hit songs have included “Hard Times for Lovers,” “I’m on Your Side,” and “A Woman’s Got the Power.” She has appeared on the stage in previous Theater of the Stars’ productions of Dreamgirls as well as on numerous television series, including Ally McBeal.

For more information, 404-252-8960 or visit