New York City
Join the Whidbey Playhouse as we take you on a magical and joyful journey through the memory of Christmas celebrations long past with A Child’s Christmas in Wales. All your Christmases will live again in the magic of Dylan Thomas’ poetic language: “I can never remember whether it snowed for six days and six nights when I was twelve or twelve days and twelve nights when I was six…”
The stories and songs that unfold on our stage will be both familiar and yet delightfully far away to today’s children.
Dylan Thomas has managed to universalize the very essence of Christmas as any child anywhere might perceive it, despite the fact that this is a Welsh Christmas and the music is also Welsh. This unique play is the story of Christmas Day itself, from its quiet, magical beginning full of thrilling expectations to the end when the boy Dylan creeps up to bed, replete with the joy of a perfect holiday.