Benji Reid: 13 Mics
Accompanied by 3 musicians and a DJ, Manchester, England’s Benji Reid takes us on a journey from bebop to hip-hop and all stops in between. Using body popping as a physical vehicle, transported from mic to mic with the hi-energy of freestyle popping, Benji Reid becomes a “human sampler” creating a 21st century hip-hop track.
Niels “Storm” Robitzky: Solo for Two
Berlin, Germany’s Storm conducts us through the highs and lows of life with humor and his authenticity, interacting with his own projected image, creating a clever portrayal of two people who are united, for better or for worse, as they move through the city and life as acrobat, tightrope walker and machine, accompanied by an electrifying score.
Group Sales Number (10+): 718-497-4282
Appropriate For Ages: 15+