New York City
A flamboyant gay drifter crisscrosses the country, careening from white trash roots to the heights of 80s New York nightlife. Based on the autobiographical film (screenplay by Jeffrey Strouth; directed by Reno Dakota), American Fabulous tells the hilariously outré story of Jeffrey’s queer white trash life.
New York Actor Troy Carson adapted the play from the film directed by Dakota, which is an autobiographical look at the life of Jeffrey Strouth that was released posthumously after Strouth’s death from AIDS in 1992. In adapting the play from the film, Carson and Warman received the blessing and support of Dakota, who provided them with important insights into the life of the flamboyant Strouth.
FRI , August 8, 11:00pm
WED, August 13, 7:00pm
SAT, August 16, 11:15pm
WED, August 20, 3:00pm
THUR, August 21, 3:00pm
FRI, August 22, 7:00pm
SAT, August 23, 5:00pm