The Civilians’ Paris Commune is the third play of the inaugural PUBLIC LAB initiative. Written by Steven Cosson and Michael Friedman and directed by Cosson.
In 1871, working class Parisians overthrew the French government, declared Paris autonomous and launched an attempt to radically reinvent society. This musical play uses a versatile company of performers to bring this revolution to explosive life.
The cast includes Kate Buddeke, Aysan Celik, Nina Hellman, Dan Lipton, Jeanine Serralles, Brian Sgambati, Jeremy Shamos, Emily Tepe, and Sam Breslin Wright.
Post Show Discussions
On April 10, historian Jerrold Seigel (Bohemian Paris: Culture, Politics, and the Boundaries of Bourgeois Life, 1830-1930) discusses the time surrounding the Paris Commune of 1871 with the authors of Paris Commune, Steven Cosson and Michael Friedman. The discussion between Seigel, Cosson and Friedman is moderated by art historian Tricia Paik and is followed by a book-signing with Seigel.
On April 17, dramaturg Janice Paran hosts a "Meet The Civilians" discussion with Cosson and Friedman. Since 2001, The Civilians have gained prominence and praise for their unique method of creating theater via a mixture of first-person accounts and inspired creativity. This discussion takes audience members through the process of how The Civilians create a show.