The show is being produced by Jeffrey Richards, Jerry Frankel, and Jam Theatricals. The design team includes Mark Wendland (set), Laura Bauer (costumes), Christopher Akerlind (lighting), and Richard Woodbury (sound).
First seen at The Public Theater in 1987, with Bogosian starring, the play concerns a controversial radio host who becomes overwhelmed by the hatred that surrounds his program just before it goes national. Oliver Stone directed the 1988 film version of Talk Radio, in which Bogosian recreated his original role. Bogosian’s other plays include subUrbia and Pounding Nails in the Floor With My Forehead.
March played Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot on Law & Order: SVU and reprised that role on the short-lived series Conviction. In the 1999 Broadway revival of Death of a Salesman, she played Miss Forsythe. Jensen is best known as the co-author of the hit play The Exonerated. As an actor, his film and television credits include Alias, The Love Letter, and Rescue Me.