Theater News

Freestyle Love Supreme to Offer Training Courses in the Art of Freestyle

The eight-week course will take place March-May.

Chris Sullivan, Christopher Jackson, Anthony Veneziale, and Utkarsh Ambudkar appear in Freestyle Love Supreme.
Chris Sullivan, Christopher Jackson, Anthony Veneziale, and Utkarsh Ambudkar appear in Freestyle Love Supreme.
(© Matthew Murphy)

Freestyle Love Supreme has launched the Freestyle Love Supreme Academy, the first-ever freestyle school created and run by members of the acclaimed improv troupe.

The classes will cover a range of topics including beatboxing, word flow, improvisation, and expression through music. Titled Foundations of Freestyle, they will be taught by members Andrew Bancroft (Sundays, 4-7pm) and Chris Sullivan (Mondays, 7-10pm). The Sunday cycle runs March 17-May 5, and the Monday cycle takes place beginning March 18.

Applications are due March 1, with the course costing $550 for participants aged 18 and older. The classes will culminate in live performances at the Ars Nova Theater. Guest instructors may include members Anthony Veneziale, James Monroe Iglehart, Arthur Lewis, Christopher Jackson, and Utkarsh Ambudkar.

The troupe was founded by Thomas Kail, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Anthony Veneziale, and their current show runs at Greenwich House Theater through March 3.