Review: Live Artery/Under the Radar 2024: Dynasty Handbag: Titanic Depression
Review: Our Class, 20th-Century Poland in 14 lessons and 10 Students
Review: Aristocrats, Brian Friel’s Dull Eulogy for the Irish Catholic Elite
Review: An Underappreciated LGBTQ Icon Blazes to Life in Make Me Gorgeous!
Review: Prototype Festival 2024: Terce: A Practical Breviary
Review: Prototype Festival 2024: Chornobyldorf Imagines Opera in the Future
Review: Under the Radar 2024: Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” In Our Own Words
Review: Prayer for the French Republic and a One-Way Ticket to Israel
Review: Under the Radar 2024: Open Mic Night
Review: Under the Radar 2024: Inua Ellams’s Search Party
Review: Avett Brothers-Inspired Musical Swept Away Hoists Enthralling Sails
Review: Michael Jackson’s Musical Legacy Comes Through Strong in MJ
Review: Appropriate, a Cherry Orchard for the Southern Gentry
Review: Comedian Jes Tom Talks Queer Love, Trans Identity, and the End of the World in Less Lonely
Review: The Night of the Iguana, the Tennessee Williams Drama Tied Up Under the Porch
Review: Stranger Things: The First Shadow Brings Netflix to the West End
Review: Legendary Cuban Musicians Come to Life in an Electric Buena Vista Social Club
Review: How to Dance in Ohio Is a Game Changer for Accessibility on Broadway
Review: Adrift Describes Both a Hieronymus Bosch Painting and Our Brains During This Play
Review: Alpha and Beta Males Square Off in Rare Revival of James McLure’s Lone Star
Review: Mary Kathryn Nagle’s Manahatta Is a Land Acknowledgment Writ Large
Review: Women of a Certain Age Have Their Say in Madwomen of the West
Review: The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Show Achieves Sentience
Review: The Jerusalem Syndrome Depicts Tourists Driven Mad by the Holy City